Home Staging and Styling. What exactly is that?
It’s when you employ a professional to make an assessment of your home or specific rooms. You are then provided with suggestions on how to improve the saleability. This may involve removing, adding or re-positioning furniture, changing the decor, altering the furnishings or creating new uses for rooms.
AND…..a big one……clearing the clutter.
It’s no coincidence that many Professional Organizers complete further training and offer an additional Home Staging and Styling Service. So how does the average potential buyer really think and why is Home Staging and Styling important?
• Most buyers form an opinion about your home within a few seconds arriving. This opinion is difficult to change.
• 90% of buyers are unable to see past clutter, tired decorating, strong colours or dirt. It’s a myth that most buyers will see the full potential of your property.
• The majority of UK buyers look for homes online. Here pictures are everything and when a property is professionally staged, the number of conversions to viewings sky rockets.
• Many studies have revealed that professional staging pays for itself at least several times overdue to increasing your sale price.
• Having your home staged means it will sell faster. The longer your home is on the market, the more the value will drop.
When put like that, it’s a wonder more of us don’t employ this service really….
These handy infrographics sum it up pretty well: